

Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Reconstructing The Definition of Security : Narrowing and Broadening Security

Security as we know in the general understanding means the secure condition in certain area. In the traditional understanding, when we talk about security, in the scope of state is a primarily military domain. In some condition, I might say that is true. But here when the deeper examination is being done. Study from the main security events that happened in the past we will realize that those narrow general definition is not wholly true. The examination from some events may say that the explanation of security requires a wider and deeper notion. Not as simple as it is
There is no neutral place stand to explain the definition of the concept of security without believing in certain theories. It means that without the theories, security will be hard to define or even redefine. In theory of realist (so do in neo-realist) security means when there is state could against the threat and survival. The state need a self-reliance, even war to protect their security. In liberal view, security is a condition of peace and cooperation not war. Even though those view a different in explaining the definition of security, to maintain the security is never being apart with rational choice theory which is the approach is based on the behavioral aspects of actor that assumed rational.
As what Barry Buzan said that security is a essential concept and could be threatening in all state elements such as nationalism, population, and political systems. In the different side, Weaver try to construct the definition of security as a term that socially constructed. Security is defined when there is a set of notion or basic assumption in viewing interest, enemies and possible scenarios. It is means that security is an abstract concept and very subjective. In realist view security could be define as “war for peace” but when there’s a war security means how to stop the war or “preventing other war”. So it is seen just like security will have a meaning when there’s at least an enemy. But how if there’s no enemy? Maybe the term security will never exist.
Security as in traditional view is very depended on the existence of enemy. But here I say the definition of enemy itself has been widening over time. We could say nuclear, colonialization, or Nazi as enemy in the past time but nowadays, in the globalization era, enemy not only nuclear or other nation. As what Jessica Tuchman argued that the concept of security nowadays adapted in global environment, resources, national and demographic issues . So that here we see the definition of security is broadening and need to be redefining. At the moment, security had related to human wealth and welfare, social life, and social stability even we often see that the term of security use to describe the cultural and religion stability. Those new definition will reconstruct the state aspects itself. They will influence in how state making their policy about the economic, social or even political condition. In certain area with certain condition, security also can be achieved from the military coordination by sharing technology. It happen in Japan who signed the agreement with US to have military cooperation.
In last, here I would say that security is something that can be constructed and being constructed by the social condition. It is because insecurity is not as simple as it is a given condition of international system. To determine this condition we have to examine the substantive issues and rethinking the political condition. After that we can begin to reconceptualize the definition of security itself. Here means that the secure condition can not only define as the absence of war or conflict or even the condition that happen when there is cooperation and coordination. The meaning of security will always broadening in over time so that rethinking about the issues and condition is very important before defining what security is. Even though it still theoretical-based, it will always develop. Now security means very complex include the stability of military, social, politic, cultural or economic aspect but it will always be abstract and creates by the fear of state.

Reference :
Booth, Ken. 2005. “Critical Security Studies and World Politics. Lynne Rienner Pub: London.

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